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Canada#146;s most famous Aboriginal playwright, Tomson Highway, sets his latest theatrical achievement, The (Post) Mistress, in a not-so-distant past, when sending letters through the mail was still vital to communicating with friends and loved ones, and the small-town post office was often the only connection to faraway places longed-for or imagined.Born and raised in Lovely, Ontario, a small French-Canadian farming village near Lake Huron, Marie-Louise Painchaud has never had occasion to venture much farther than the nearest community -- Complexity, a copper-mining town and a somewhat larger dot on the map of the Georgia Bay area. For thirty years, Marie-Louise has worked at the local post office, and, through the many letters she sorts when they arrive and the ones that she stamps before they go out, she has come to know the lives of everyone in town and vicariously experience their various loves, losses, and personal dramas.In this one-woman musical tour de force, Marie-Louise confides in us the interwoven stories sealed in the envelopes she handles every day. A samba beat offers the soundtrack for the tale of a local woman#146;s passionate but doomed affair with a man from Rio de Janeiro; a rhythmic tango plays as Marie-Louise divulges a friend#146;s steamy tryst in Argentina. All together, twelve unique musical pieces, ranging from Berlin cabaret to French caf� chanson to smooth bossa nova, accompany a multilingual French, Cree, and English libretto.In The (Post) Mistress , Tomson Highway creates not only a rural ��comedy but also a sublime parody of small-town life -- the northern Ontario version of Thornton Wilder#146;s Our Town or Stephen Leacock#146;s Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town.Cast of 1 woman., Canada'e(tm)s most famous Aboriginal playwright, Tomson Highway, sets his latest theatrical achievement, The (Post) Mistress, in a not-so-distant past, when sending letters through the mail was still vital to communicating with friends and loved ones, and the small-town post office was often the only connection to faraway places longed-for or imagined. Born and raised in Lovely, Ontario, a small French-Canadian farming village near Lake Huron, Marie-Louise Painchaud has never had occasion to venture much farther than the nearest community 'e" Complexity, a copper-mining town and a somewhat larger dot on the map of the Georgia Bay area. For thirty years, Marie-Louise has worked at the local post office, and, through the many letters she sorts when they arrive and the ones that she stamps before they go out, she has come to know the lives of everyone in town and vicariously experience their various loves, losses, and personal dramas. In this one-woman musical tour de force, Marie-Louise confides in us the interwoven stories sealed in the envelopes she handles every day. A samba beat offers the soundtrack for the tale of a local woman'e(tm)s passion- ate but doomed affair with a man from Rio de Janeiro; a rhythmic tango plays as Marie-Louise divulges a friend'e(tm)s steamy tryst in Argentina. All together, twelve unique musical pieces, ranging from Berlin cabaret to French café chanson to smoothbossa nova, accompany a multilingual French, Cree, and English libretto. In The (Post) Mistress, Tomson Highway creates not only a rural comedy but also a sublime parody of small-town life 'e" the northern Ontario version of Thornton Wilder'e(tm)s Our Town or Stephen Leacock'e(tm)s Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town. Cast of 1 woman. Music from The (Post) Mistress is available at, Canada's most famous Aboriginal playwright, Tomson Highway, sets his latest theatrical achievement, The (Post) Mistress , in a not-so-distant past, when sending letters through the mail was still vital to communicating with friends and loved ones, and the small-town post office was often the only connection to faraway places longed-for or imagined.Born and raised in Lovely, Ontario, a small French-Canadian farming village near Lake Huron, Marie-Louise Painchaud has never had occasion to venture much farther than the nearest community - Complexity, a copper-mining town and a somewhat larger dot on the map of the Georgia Bay area. For thirty years, Marie-Louise has worked at the local post office, and, through the many letters she sorts when they arrive and the ones that she stamps before they go out, she has come to know the livesof everyone in town and vicariously experience their various loves, losses, and personal dramas. In this one-woman musical tour de force, Marie-Louise confides in us the interwoven stories sealed in the envelopes she handles every day. A samba beat offers the soundtrack for the tale of a local woman's passion- ate but doomed affair with a man from Rio de Janeiro; a rhythmic tango plays as Marie-Louise divulges a friend's steamy tryst in Argentina. All together, twelve unique musical pieces, ranging from Berlin cabaret to French café chanson to smoothbossa nova, accompany a multilingual French, Cree, and English libretto. In The (Post) Mistress , Tomson Highway creates not only a rural comedy but also a sublime parody of small-town life - the northern Ontario version of Thornton Wilder's Our Town or Stephen Leacock's Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town . Cast of 1 woman. Music from The (Post) Mistress is available at, Canada_s most famous Aboriginal playwright, Tomson Highway, sets his latest theatrical achievement, The (Post) Mistress, in a not-so-distant past, when sending letters through the mail was still vital to communicating with friends and loved ones, and the small-town post office was often the only connection to faraway places longed-for or imagined.Born and raised in Lovely, Ontario, a small French-Canadian farming village near Lake Huron, Marie-Louise Painchaud has never had occasion to venture much farther than the nearest community _ Complexity, a copper-mining town and a somewhat larger dot on the map of the Georgia Bay area. For thirty years, Marie-Louise has worked at the local post office, and, through the many letters she sorts when they arrive and the ones that she stamps before they go out, she has come to know the lives of everyone in town and vicariously experience their various loves, losses, and personal dramas.In this one-woman musical tour de force, Marie-Louise confides in us the interwoven stories sealed in the envelopes she handles every day. A samba beat offers the soundtrack for the tale of a local woman_s passionate but doomed affair with a man from Rio de Janeiro; a rhythmic tango plays as Marie-Louise divulges a friend_s steamy tryst in Argentina. All together, twelve unique musical pieces, ranging from Berlin cabaret to French caf� chanson to smooth bossa nova, accompany a multilingual French, Cree, and English libretto.In The (Post) Mistress , Tomson Highway creates not only a rural ��comedy but also a sublime parody of small-town life _ the northern Ontario version of Thornton Wilder_s Our Town or Stephen Leacock_s Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town.Cast of 1 woman., Marie-Louise Painchaud has worked for thirty-five years as Post Mistress at the post office in Lovely, a francophone Canadian village where she has come to know every client whose mail she handles. The (Post) Mistress is a rollicking, emotional rollercoaster-ride in the form of a one-woman musical, with elements of jazz, Berlin cabaret, French caf� music, Brazilian samba, and Argentinean, Marie-Louise Painchaud has worked for thirty-five years at the post office in Lovely, Ontario, a small French Canadian village where she now knows every client whose mail she handles. In this one-woman play, Tomson Highway creates not only a rural comedy but a sublime parody of small-town life--the northern Ontario version of Thornton Wilder's Our Town or Stephen Leacock's Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town . Playwright and musician Tomson Highway is widely recognized for his tremendous contribution to the development of Aboriginal theater in both Canada and around the world.

The (Post) Mistress by Tomson Highway ebook DJV, EPUB

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