Exploring Ancient Skies : An Encyclopedic Survey of Archaeoastronomy book DJV, EPUB


Exploring Ancient Skies brings together the methods of archaeology and the insights of modern astronomy to explore the science of astronomy as it was practiced in various cultures prior to the invention of the telescope. The book reviews an enormous and growing body of literature on the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean, the Far East, and the New World (particularly Mesoamerica), putting the ancient astronomical materials into their archaeological and cultural contexts.The authors begin with an overview of the field and proceed to essential aspects of naked-eye astronomy, followed by an examination of specific cultures. The book concludes by taking into account the purposes of ancient astronomy: astrology, navigation, calendar regulation, and (not least) the understanding of our place and role in the universe. Skies are recreated to display critical events as they would have appeared to ancient observers - events such as the supernova of 1054, the 'lion horoscope'or the 'Star of Bethlehem.'Exploring Ancient Skies provides a comprehensive overview of the relationships between astronomy and other areas of human investigation. It will be useful as a reference for scholars and students in both astronomy and archaeology, and will be of compelling interest to readers who seek a broad understanding of our collective intellectual history., Exploring Ancient Skies uses modern science to examine ancient astronomy throughout the World, that is, to use the methods of archaeology and insights of modern astronomy explore how astronomy was practiced before the invention of the telescope. It thus reviews an enormous and growing body of literature on the cultures of the ancient Mediterranean, the Far East, and the New World, particularly Mesoamerica, putting the ancient astronomical materials into their archaeological and cultural contexts.The book consists of two parts. The first emphasizes naked-eye astronomy: the motion of objects in the sky, the determination of time and calendars, corrections due to various factors such as parallax or atmospheric diffraction, and rare or transient phenomena such as eclipses, aurorae and comets.The second part begins with a discussion of the Paleolithic and Neolithic roots of astronomy. It then turns to the antecedents of the modern Western Astronomy: Mesopotamia, Greece, ancient and mediaeval Europe. Separate chapters deal with astronomy in ancient Egypt and Africa; India; China, Korea and Japan; the cultures of the Pacific; and the Americas, with particular emphasis on Mesoamerica, since this is one of the few areas for which written evidence is linked to astronomical alignments.Throughout, the discussion emphasizes the main purposes of ancient astronomy, many of which it shares with modern astronomy: astrology, navigation, calendar regulation, and understanding of our place and role in the universe.Exploring Ancient Skies provides a comprehensive review and reference for scholars and students in both astronomy and archaeology.

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That way lies doom.But Piper doesn't want a whistle...Antisthenes wrote prolifically, but little of this text remains today.Drawing from Posies (1899), Un coup de ds (A Cast of Dice), and the "Livre" (the "Book"the overarching conceptual work left unfinished at the death of the poet), this collection captures Mallarm's true linguistic brilliance, bringing the poems into our current history while retaining the music, playfulness, and power of the originals., During his lifetime, Stéphane Mallarmé (1842-1898) was recognized as one of the greatest living French poets.Instead, Autumn discovers that she s only able to visit the future and she doesn t like what she sees.By juxtaposing these social experiences of daily life with national modernist discourses, Hammad demonstrates that ordinary industrial workers, handloom weavers, street vendors, lower-class landladies, and prostitutesno less than the middle and upper classesplayed a key role in shaping the Egyptian experience of modernity.In "Foreigners and Egyptians in the Late Egyptian Stories" Camilla Di Biase-Dyson applies systemic functional linguistics, literary theory and New Historicist approaches to four of the "Late Egyptian Stories" and shows how language was exploited to establish the narrative roles of literary protagonists.An examination of the works of the first 'theologians of the desert', Evagrius and Cassian who lived among these first Christian monks and nuns, provides an early interpretation of the sayings of the Desert Fathers or Apophthegmata Patrum.First, technical tips demonstrate the basics: how to draw a square, hexagon, or pentagon.This technique was inspired by seeing Egyptian artists color film posters in his youth.In A Dialectical Pedagogy of Revolt , Brecht De Smet takes on this question by offering an intellectual dialogue between the political theory of Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci and the cultural psychology of Soviet thinker Lev Vygotsky.With the rest of the pack now scattered, Storm's mother is too weak to protect Storm so she sends him to our world as a magic puppy where his magical powers can grow.Explore the symbols and practice of scrying, uncover the portrayals of mirrors in legends and pop culture, harness the reflective power of mirrors with meditations, and much more.Somi was born in Dano, Burkina Faso, a remote West African village with a population of about two hundred people.